مسحوق الحديد المختزل المباشر

Advantages of Using Direct Reduced Iron Powder in Steel Making, the same as KPT's iron pure powder. DRI (Direct Reduced Iron) powder is the major raw material which used in making steel. Iron ore is a naturally existing resource and it undergoes special process to obtain in usable form. In 2020, to manufacture direct reduced iron one could employ a variety of iron ore grades in co-operation with coke coal or natural gas. Such a blend of features goes along way into making an important material for the steel industry.

مزايا مسحوق DRI لصناعة الصلب

Its impurity reduction capacity is the key aspect which avoids air pollution, hence it uses less environment-friendly in comparison to conventional methods, also the مسحوق الحديد الاسفنجي made by KPT. This KPT reduced iron powder is significant because of the general public good thing about cleaner air. Furthermore, DRI powder can assist with the exact cuts of steel in a like manner how chainsaw functions successfully. Steel made from DRI powder emits around 75% less carbon dioxide (CO2) then if produced using coal power, it is well known fact that CO2 can get trapped in the atmosphere leading to changes in out climate system. Traditional methods, which often require pig iron and scrap metal that can be high in CO2 emissions.

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دعم تكنولوجيا المعلومات بواسطة direct reduced iron powder-49

جميع الحقوق محفوظة لشركة Shanghai Knowhow Powder-Tech المحدودة -  سياسة الخصوصية